by admin | Dec 15, 2022 | 21st Century, Brain Engagement, Brain Health, Dementia Information, Health & Wellness, Memory Care, Senior Living Population, Well-being
American poet Emily Dickinson described the wonder of the human brain with a simple verse. Her verse, The Brain is wider than the Sky, tells about the brain’s marvelous capacities of thought and creativity. “The Brain is wider than the Sky” The Brain—is wider than the...
by admin | Sep 13, 2022 | 21st Century, ALLE Learning, Brain Engagement, Brain Health, Dementia Information, Health & Wellness, Lifelong Learning Classes, Senior Discussions, Senior Living Population, Well-being
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young."Henry Ford We've known for a long time that people love to learn and that learning new and novel information is good for our brains. A recent study published by...
by admin | Nov 23, 2021 | 21st Century, Brain Engagement, Brain Health, Dementia Information, Experience, Health & Wellness, Lifelong Learning Classes, Memory Care, Senior Discussions
Think about this: What would happen if older adults were offered an age-appropriate program that enables them to associate and celebrate their past lives while living in the present? We know that many older adults have led wonderful and full lives. Do we provide...
by admin | Mar 26, 2021 | 21st Century, Classes, Experience, Lifelong Learning Classes, Senior Discussions
Learning is all about change, and change is what drives lifelong learning. When we become resistant to change or resistant to learning new things, our brains – and sometimes our lives – become stagnant and dull. Sparking curiosity and discussion is what keeps our...
by admin | May 26, 2020 | 21st Century, Experience, Lifelong Learning Classes, Senior Discussions, Well-being
It’s difficult to believe that less than 60 days ago, large and small groups of curious residents were gathering to participate in lifelong learning classes. They were brainstorming, writing questions for discussion, participating in a book or author study, attending...
by admin | Feb 3, 2020 | 21st Century, Experience, Lifelong Learning Classes
We have just entered the third decade of the 21st Century. The past twenty years have provided humankind with inventions, disruption of traditional businesses, and the exploration of deep space, personal technology devices, artificial intelligence, and the health of...