A familiar song released in 1929 reminds us that in addition to feeding our mind, body, and spirit, we also need to take time to celebrate ourselves. If you are unfamiliar with the song "Give Yourself a Pat on the Back," take a minute and listen to this simple song.
The song was written for the people of Great Britain, who, according to the composers Ralph Butler and Raymond Wallace, needed a "feel-good song." Why did Great Britain need a feel-good song? In 1929, America was experiencing the Great Depression. Countries worldwide felt the effects of the Great Depression as much as Americans did. The value of British exports halved, plunging its industrial areas into poverty. By 1930, unemployment had more than doubled to 20%. Public spending was cut and taxes raised, which depressed the economy and cost even more jobs.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "give yourself a pat on the back" is a saying that means you all deserve a pat on the back because you did a great job! A recent article written by Tanya L. Brown appeared in Psychology Today. The headline says it all, "Give yourself a pat on the back; look at all the good you have done!"
We are living in stressful times. Can we make our lives, and those we serve, a little better by becoming our own best friend? If a friend tells you that you are a wonderful and caring person, do you believe them? Do you appreciate people who provide positive feedback? How does positive feedback make us feel? Most of the time, it feels pretty good, and research shows that positive feedback helps us have a better day.
Regularly acknowledging the good things happening in our lives helps us to replace negative thinking with better and healthier thoughts and actions.
Did you know that your brain rewards you for being happy? The brain produces a chemical called "dopamine" when we do good or pleasurable things or complete a task. Perhaps one of our new year's resolutions should be to "give ourselves a pat on the back" more often.
The experts agree that we already have what it takes to reward ourselves and celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how small they might be. These same experts also recommend that we create a plan that can become a routine.
First, we need to have a plan. So get started by telling yourself you have what it takes to be more positive. We know what it is like to be inspired by another person's actions, which can easily encourage us to try something new or provide encouragement to others.
Second, don't let a problem ruin your day. A quote written by John Geiger and published on the goodread site says it all, "Don't let one bad moment ruin your day. Think of it as a bad minute, not a bad day, and you'll be OK. Stress begins when your worry list is longer than your gratitude list.
Happiness begins when your gratitude list is longer than your worry list. So find something to be thankful for today. Be sure to appreciate what you've got. Be thankful for the little things in life that mean a lot."
Third, embrace your life experiences-realize YOU are extraordinary. A lifetime of experience counts for a lot.Embrace your life experiences-realize YOU are extraordinary. One of the best things we can do when we feel low on energy or uninspired by our daily routine is to look for things we can do to revitalize ourselves. Our recommendation? "Give yourself a pat on the back!"
Fourth, consider revitalizing yourself with regular doses of positivity. We want to revive our brain and mind as well as our body. In other words, take time to celebrate yourself. Soak up positivity with the things you have learned and accomplished during your lifetime. Recognize that you are an extraordinary person.
If all else fails, click on the link and sing along: