Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Lifelong Learning?
A: Lifelong Learning is usually defined as learning outside a formal educational institute, such as a school or college. Unlike a traditional “activity,” learning is ongoing and never ends.
Q: What are the benefits of lifelong learning for an older adult?
A: Cognitive stimulation is one of the greatest benefits of participating in a lifelong learning program. Years of research have shown that learning new and novel things is the best thing we can do for better brain health.
Q: How are lifelong learning and better brain health related?
A: Lifelong learning & better brain health go together like peas in a pod. Lifelong learning is the way information and knowledge about avoiding dementia and living a healthier life are delivered. Learning about better brain health includes enhanced mental, physical, social, and emotional wellness for residents, staff, and leadership.
Q: I learn new things daily on my own; isn’t that enough?
A: We all learn new things daily, which is good. However, participating in a Lifelong Learning program allows us to reflect on past personal experiences, apply new knowledge to our daily lives, and get to know others better.
Q: What is cognitive strategy?
A: It is a learning outcome where the learner uses personal strategies to think, organize, and learn, leading to better brain health and cognitive reserve.
Q: Why do you describe your classes as being “age-appropriate?”
A: Age-appropriate means that our classes are designed for the Greatest Generation, The Silent Generation, and the Baby Boomers. We also study the 21st Century to understand what is going on today and what that means to each individual.