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At the Heart of Everything We Do
Our passion for lifelong learning, discovery, and well-being is at the heart of everything we do. Whether you and your residents are ready to...
“Exciting Updates Are Here!”
We’re thrilled to share that we’ve added new options and updated our pricing to serve you better. These changes are designed to provide even more...
Your Satisfaction and Adaptability Are at the Heart of Our Anniversary Celebration!
Over the past 12 years, we have learned that communities value reliability and flexibility. Your feedback has taught us to adapt, innovate, and...
Seasonal Changes Are Good for the Brain
Did you know that our brain is affected by seasonal changes? According to Discover Magazine, studies of the brain have shown real physical...
Five Things to Know About Your Brain
Our brain is the most complex part of the human body. This three-pound organ is the seat of intelligence. It interprets the senses, initiates body...
The Power of Positivity
Did you know that your brain lights up when thinking about positive things? In other words, our brains work better when we think positively. The...
Give Yourself a Pat on the Back
A familiar song released in 1929 reminds us that in addition to feeding our mind, body, and spirit, we also need to take time to celebrate...
What We Learned About the Brain in the 21st Century
American poet Emily Dickinson described the wonder of the human brain with a simple verse. Her verse, The Brain is wider than the Sky, tells about...
The Power of Resiliency
According to Positive Psychology, “resilience is the ability to bounce back when encountering the challenges that are an inevitable part of life.”...
Better Brain Health through Lifelong Learning
We know that people love to learn. It is good for our brains to learn new and novel information…
Never Stop Learning
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young."Henry Ford We've known for a long time...
Blue Skies, Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See
In a recent ALLE Learning class titled “The Lyrics Tell the Story of Peace and Love,” we listened to the songs and then studied music lyrics from...